Emreen Chhina Immigration Services Inc.


    Assessment Form

    Emreen Chhina Immigration Services Inc is not a partner, intermediary nor a representative of the Government of Canada.
    We value your trust and time. All data that is captured through the use of these forms is never sold or exchanged with any third party organizations.Our expertise is to represent our Clients in all immigration matters. All advice is specific and based on case to case basis. Since we are very experienced in the knowledge and application of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada, as well as the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, our aim is to advice our clients in the best possible way based on their circumstances.

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    lets begin....

    Please fill in all the details below. Each question is going to carry a score, so it is essential that all questions are answered fully and accurately.


    Applicant Details


    Purpose of Travel

    This section will allow you to select the purpose of your visit to Canada, either temporary or permanent, select which one applies


    Students and Study Permits

    Let us know the details below


    Educational Funding


    Education and Professional Experience

    Less than high school

    Secondary / High Schoolyouselfspouse

    1-year credentialyourselfspouse

    2-year credentialyourselfspouse

    Bachelor or 3 (or more) year credentialyourselfspouse

    2 Cert/dip /degree (one atleast 3 years)yourselfspouse

    Masters degreeyourselfspouse

    PhD or Doctoral levelyourselfspouse

    Please list years of work experience. (if you worked for 1 year and a few months, select 1 year)
    None1 year2 year3 year4 year5 year or more


    Other Factors

    Proof of Funds and Relatives in Canada


    Language Proficiency

    Match your scores in the below rows, with the modules in the columns


    Other Important Information

    This information below helps in advising a proper approach to the application

    Provide Dates, duration of stay, which province, purpose of stay etc.


    Next Steps

    Based on your responses we will get back to you with additional steps and requirements. Thank you for taking out the time to submit your assessment form.
